assalamualaikum.. kepada kawan2 yg beragama islam.. say no to velentine..
Tindakan mengaitkan pertengahan bulan Februari dengan cinta dan kesuburan sudah ada sejak dahulu kala. Menurut tarikh kalendar Athens kuno, masa antara pertengahan Januari dengan pertengahan Februari adalah bulan Gamelion, yang dipersembahkan kepada pernikahan suci Dewa Zeus dan Hera.
Di Rom kuno,15 Februari adalah hari raya Lupercalia, sebuah perayaan Lupercus, dewa kesuburan, yang dilambangkan setengah telanjang dan berpakaian kulit kambing sebagai sebahagian daripada amalan penyucian, para pendeta Lupercus menyembahkan korban kambing kepada sang dewa dan kemudian setelah minum anggur, mereka akan berlari-larian di jejalanan kota Roma membawa potongan-potongan kulit domba dan menyentuh siapa pun yang mereka jumpai. Terutama wanita-wanita muda akan maju secara sukarela karena percaya bahawa dengan itu mereka akan dikurniakan kesuburan dan bisa melahirkan dengan mudah.*
Saint Valentine is a name which is given to two of the ancient "martyrs" of the Christian Church. It was said that there were two of them, or that there was only one, who died in Rome as the result of the persecution of the Gothic leader Claudius, c. 296 CE. In 350 CE, a church was built in Rome on the site of the place where he died, to perpetuate his memory.
When the Romans embraced Christianity, they continued to celebrate the Feast of Love mentioned above, but they changed it from the pagan concept of "spiritual love" to another concept known as the "martyrs of love", represented by Saint Valentine who had advocated love and peace, for which cause he was martyred, according to their claims. It was also called the Feast of Lovers, and Saint Valentine was considered to be the patron saint of lovers.
One of their false beliefs connected with this festival was that the names of girls who had reached marriageable age would be written on small rolls of paper and placed in a dish on a table. Then the young men who wanted to get married would be called, and each of them would pick a piece of paper. He would put himself at the service of the girl whose name he had drawn for one year, so that they could find out about one another. Then they would get married, or they would repeat the same process again on the day of the festival in the following year.
The Christian clergy reacted against this tradition, which they considered to have a corrupting influence on the morals of young men and women. It was abolished in Italy, where it had been well-known, then it was revived in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when in some western countries there appeared shops which sold small books called "Valentine's books", which contained love poems, from which the one who wanted to send a greeting to his sweetheart could choose. They also contained suggestions for writing love letters.
UNTUK kawan - kawan yg seach blog INI, TINGGALKANLAH sepatah DUA comen UNTUK dijadikan tanda PERINGATAN buat saya... UNTUK MELAWAT blog anda pulak YA..Insyaallah.. dan Kalau ade terkasa bahasa.. saya mintak maaf dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki... yg buruk itu datang dari saya.. yang baik itu datang dari allah swt.. wasalam
7 ulasan:
atikel yang menarik.. terima kasih
semoga menjadi panduan untuk kita semua..:)
betul cakak faziela tu... atikel yang menarik..
veletine not for muslim.....
agama islam adelah agama yg benar dan suci.. hanya dengan berkahwin je dapat menyatukan lelaki dan wanita.. lain cara sory..
atikel yang menarik... terima kasih.. moga menjadi iktibar untuk kita semua..
betul2 veletine bukan untuk islam..
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